Casino Cocktail
A true classic

Today we’d like to highlight the Casino Cocktail, an often overlooked classic with the potential to become your new favorite drink. The signature flavor of this cocktail is its mix of bitter and sweet with a touch of sour. Combine 4 cl Monkey 47, 1 cl maraschino liquer, 1 cl lemon juice and a dash of orange bitters in a shaker over ice. Shake vigorously and strain into a lowball glass. And because a classic cocktail needs a classic garnish, don’t forget the cherry! We’ll willingly admit that this sugary sweet extra fills the monkey with delight. Although we can’t say for sure whether the drink used to be a staple at the blackjack, poker or roulette table, we can certainly make a recommendation: Whether in the casino or at your favorite bar – the Casino Cocktail deserves a space at the table. In this spirit: Cheers!